In the last instalment of plastic free swaps, we head into our favourite place in the home (aside from our bed complete with peace silk pillowcases) and yes, that is the kitchen.
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A fork to eat your lunch, a plastic mask to catch the train with, a plastic pack of tissues for those winter sniffles, coffee cup after plastic coffee cup - yeah, they’re good for the duration of the trip, but what happens next?
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Plastic probably isn’t the first thing you think of when you're scheduled to hit the gym, pavement, barre or mat - but you can reduce, reuse and recycle while you pump iron, you little multitasker.
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You don’t have to be a big fast-fashion conglomerate to start implementing changes, you can just… be you, your fashion-loving self. Start consciously dressing and buying with the help of these five environmentally-friendly ways and means.
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If you’re sensitive, blemish or acne-prone skin is keeping you up at night, and having you wake up to new and nastier zits and dots, it’s time to show acne the door. You can do this by implementing these easy skin-saving tips into your nighttime routine.
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In 2022 it seems we can’t get enough quality time with our silky pillows for a blockbuster night of zs. No really, we can’t. Did you know a lack of quality sleep affects up to 4 in 10 Australian adults? That’s almost half your office floor who’s woken up needing a dozen coffees, and looking like they need a dozen coffees.
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