Welcome to ‘In Bed With…’, an interview series where we ask people who inspire us to share their sleep, beauty and life hacks, as what ultimately makes them such awesome individuals.
Poppy Richard AKA @squigglesnyc is the brains and design behind our beautiful packaging. She is a creative digital specialist who works in Advertising and moonlights as an incredibly talented artist. We LOVE her artwork and designs, so it obviously made sense that she was the first person we sat down to chat with for our 'In Bed Series'. Enjoy!

Hey Poppy! So first off, how do you get your creative juices flowing?
Listen to music and daydream. Travel used always be the most inspiring thing for me, however these days it is a bit harder to do.
What motivates you?
Love, deadlines, regret… or not wanting to experience regret later in life. This is what motivates me.
What or who has been inspiring you lately?
I’m currently fascinated by the Chicago Imagists movement from the 1960s. Their art seems so abstract and modern. Tribal, trippy, surreal, vibrant. I tend to watch a lot of YouTube segments on art and the New York art gallery scene when I re-discovered Gladys M. Nilsson. I find her work so inspiring and quite relevant to the some of the themes we have experienced over the last 18 months. Credit to James Kalm (YouTube) who has the most wonderful NYC gallery tour series. Makes me feel like I never left that wonderful city.
Do you have a morning routine?
If yes, what is it? Wake up early every morning for a sunrise walk, do my home workout, get ready for the day. Make sure I start any work meetings with a strong cup of coffee.
What’s your favourite breakfast?
Always coffee. Nothing beats a great coffee in the morning. I can’t skip my morning coffee… Sets me up for the entire day.

One thing you try to do to live more sustainably…
Be conscious of all the little things we can do that make a difference, including buying sustainable goods, clothes, food… Using less power and water. Walking more, driving less. All the little things add up.
One easy thing you think everyone should do to be more environmentally conscious…
Be present and understand the impact little decisions make in the long-term.
You have another hour in the day, what do you do?
An extra hour in the day would let me have longer walks on the beach and more time to paint and draw.
How do you wind down for bed?
I always shower before bed and read or play word games to ensure my brain has switched off.

3 bedtime beauty essentials you can’t live without…
My skincare routine is very simple. I use Cannabella Renwal Serum and Cannabella Hemp Jelly as a night balm every night, I tie my hair in a top knot with an invisi bobble… which seems to be the only way my crazy hair can be easily managed the next day. Wish I knew about those earlier.
Are you an 8 hours a night kinda gal?
Definitely not 8 hours. I’m better on 6-7 hours a night. If I sleep for 8 hours I tend to wake up groggy and more tired than before I went to sleep.
What’s your pyjama style?
Winter, I’m a sweater and shorts girl. Summer, I love light cotton pyjamas that breathe.
You know you’ve had a good sleep when…
I don’t wake up grumpy haha… or remember all the dreams I had that night.
The last time you did an all-nighter…
Would have been New York 2019, before I moved back to Australia, out and about with friends enjoying the city.